Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Building In Paradise Completed

The construction of our home in Paradise has been completed. Future additions to this blog, if any, might be few and far between. The only major things left to do involve landscaping and lots of fishing.

I hope you have enjoyed watching our dreams come true.

Grass Is Looking Better 06-15-2010

The grass is looking much better after our sprinkler adjustments and it enjoyed some heavy rain last night.

Sunset 06-11-2010

Now I remember why we wanted to move here.

The Light Post 06-05-2010

I added a yard light post near the end of the sidewalk. We ran the electric wire through conduit when we were putting in the sprinkler system. Some of the grass is having a really hard time. We're making adjustments to the sprinkler to compensate.

Sod 05-29-2010

We had some sod delivered on 05-28 and we started laying it out the next day. It took a total of 4 days to lay out 19 pallets. On Monday a neighbor dropped by for a few minutes to see what we were doing and then came back 10 minutes later with 4 other guys and helped us lay out about 4 of the pallets leaving only 2 remaining for Tuesday. The grass is mostly Tifway 419 but there is some common bermuda mixed in. We got a super low price for this non-genetically pure sod. In the end, we just need grass. The kids are tracking mud everywhere.

Moving In 05-23-2010

We finally moved in over the weekend of May 23rd. That's the reason for no blog entries for over a month. Very busy time. I got a good picture of moving the swingset from the rent house. Nothing else about the move was as noteworthy.